Leaking WaterLeaking Water
One of the most common issues we get asked to repair is when a unit is leaking water. The reasons for a unit leaking can be because the unit has not been serviced or the condensate pump has failed. This type of repair is nearly always completed within the first hour on site, making it a relatively simple repair. Call our team to arrange for an engineer to attend site.
Loss Of PerformanceLoss Of Performance
When the air conditioning unit is not performing as it once did it may be a simple result of not having the unit regularly serviced, or it could be a more serious issue such as a refrigerant leak. If the unit is dirty, having the system deep cleaned is often enough to resolve the problem, but more in-depth investigations are required to find a potential leak. We will quote for any additional works so you won’t receive an unexpected invoice. Call our expert team to arrange for an engineer to attend site.
Prone To FreezingProne To Freezing
If the air conditioning looks like it is freezing up and possibly dripping water onto the floor, then you will require our engineers to attend site. We will check if the unit needs a deep clean, or if the refrigerant system is leaking and report our findings. If the unit is dirty, then it can’t ‘breathe’ properly, and the chilled air can’t escape into the room so the unit then freezes. The same effect happens if the system has a leak, and the unit will eventually fail and might need replacing, so call us as soon as you notice the problem.
Stale OdoursStale Odours
Air conditioning units produce condensate (water), and this runs inside the units and is eventually removed from the system. This condensate mixed with ever-changing temperatures can create bacteria on the coils. Having the unit serviced regularly with the correct chemicals not only removes these smells but makes the system more efficient.
Increased Energy BillsIncreased Energy Bills
For a system to run at optimum performance, it needs to be able to breathe freely. If the air conditioner is blocked with muck and grime, then it has to work a lot harder to achieve the same amount of cooling or heating. The more blocked the air con unit is, the more electricity it will draw. Having the unit serviced regularly, therefore, lowers energy consumption, lowers repair and maintains manufacturer’s warranty.
Poor AirflowPoor Airflow
When it feels like the flow of air from the unit is not as powerful as before it might need a simple adjustment of the fan speed on the controller, or it could be a faulty fan motor especially if it sounds noisy. If the filters on the indoor unit are dirty, or grime has attached itself to the fan blades, it will require either a general clean or possibly a deep clean depending on the severity of the problem. Our air conditioning engineers can repair units or service them typically the same day we are called.