Ducted Air conditioning in a large open plan office

All About Air Conditioners for Offices

Keeping your staff cool in the summer and warm in the winter is the ideal way to keep a team motivated and also impress visitors. There is nothing worse than walking into a hot and sweaty office!

There are a number of factors that need to be taken into consideration when installing air conditioners in an office. It’s vital to design a solution that ensures that an even air flow is achieved in every room. Less experienced installers often do not fully consider the shape and layout of the office to be cooled, resulting in some parts of the workspace receiving a much heavier air flow than others. It is not uncommon to find that half an office is too cold while the other half is too hot with a poorly designed system, this can cause many ‘office temperature disagreements’ (OTDs).

Our expert surveyors know that all offices are different, and we always ensure that we design and install the system to suit your exact requirements, guaranteeing that all workers and visitors feel comfortable.

Ideal Systems for Offices: Wall-Mounted Air Conditioners

Wall-mounted air conditioners are the most common air conditioning units used in offices. They are the most cost-effective option and easy to retrofit into offices without the need for redecoration. Wall-mounted units are long, thin, and placed at a high level on the wall.

A single unit would be ideal for cooling a 1-6 person office and for larger office spaces you would require multiple wall units strategically placed so the entire room enjoys the full benefit of the air flow. Well-selected air conditioners are almost silent allowing staff to work in both peace and comfort.

Where appearance is important, there are a number of premium wall-mounted units from different manufacturers that look aesthetically pleasing. Check out the premium Gree Moda, Daikin Emura and the Mitsubishi Zen units by clicking the ‘Learn More’ button below.

Ceiling-Mounted 'Cassette' Units for Offices

Ceiling-mounted ‘cassette’ units are very popular in modern offices. Although they are slightly more expensive than wall units, ceiling ‘cassettes’ are almost entirely hidden within a suspended ceiling and are therefore more discreet and aesthetically pleasing; all that is visible is an almost-flush facia panel.

They also have the advantage of providing four-way airflow so they are ideal for large offices where multiple areas must receive balanced cooling. Some ceiling ‘cassette’ aircon units also have individually controlled louvers so that you direct the air around the office as required.

If you don’t have ‘false ceiling’ then you are better off using a wall-mounted system.

Ducted Units for Offices

Another popular choice for offices is ducted air conditioning systems. They are usually the most expensive option; however, they are also the most aesthetically pleasing as the duct-work and internal units are hidden entirely within a suspended ceiling with only small grilles remaining visible.

Installing a ducted air conditioner within an office is best undertaken as part of a building project; however, if you have a suspended ceiling (like many offices do) then it can be easily retrofitted without significant disturbance.

There are a number of different grille styles available and when one of our surveyors has visited your office they’ll advise you of the most suitable options.

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  • Complete the form below to request a free site survey and a member of our expert team will contact you shortly to arrange a visit. You can also call us on 020 8346 6000 020 8346 6000 during office hours.